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 name: Abraham Sampson
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topics: I'm not sure what post this is going to but I was trying to show some love and support Mrs. Kelly on the topic. In my opinion, trust is trust for a reason and the same signs for infidelity are similar to someone just being tired of the relationship. A cold shoulder doesn't mean a calculating one. Just a thought, PEACE!


Thank you Abraham, So you just get tire of one another. That shouldn't happen in a marraige. Right. You made vows to be with one another until death.

Faye: Very good point. If it's your wife or husband that you are tired of being with, remember the vows. Don't get married if you are the type of person that may get tired of the relationship. 
If you are getting tired of the relationship, spice up the relationship. Continue doing what you two did in the beginning of the relationship that made you desire each other.

Every relationship is faced with a time where the "honeymoon" season seems to be over. The connection seems to be fading, you are fighting more often, and the passion seems to have evaporated from the relationship. It's during this period that you need to work even harder on your relationship. If you continue to do the things you are doing now, the relationship will continue in a downward spiral leading to the inevitable breakup. You can stop this trend and save your relationship by applying these six strategies.

Tip #1: Communication

In all relationships communication is critical. Without communication the relationship will quickly fall apart. The forgotten art form of communicating leads to the doom of many relationships. You can improve your relationship by simply opening up with your partner and expressing your concerns. Do not forcefully put over your argument, but calmly discuss the issues and keep an open mind when listening. Do not take it as a personal attack of your character, but instead listen and try to understand the point of view of your partner. After your partner has finished expressing their view, you'll now have your chance to explain your side.

Communicating should always be the first step.

Tip #2: Attraction

We all take for granted that physical attraction plays a vital role in a relationship. What many of us do is get extremely comfortable and let ourselves go. Remember, in most instances your partner was first attracted to you based on your physical appearance. It's very important that you do your best to uphold your physical attractiveness. If you were in good shape when you met, and then let yourself get a "beer belly" within a few months of being married, then you cannot expect your spouse to respond favorably. Yes they can understand, but it's also important that you also take initiative and do your best to keep yourself in good shape and looking attractive. It's important so that your partner doesn't start to get wandering eyes.

Tip #3: Change As Needed

This goes along with tip #1 which discussed that communication is important to improve your relationship. If you truly listened to your partner and understood the problem they are having with the relationship, then now is the time to put forth the effort to change as needed. It's one thing to communicate; it's another to put into action what was discussed. Do not forget this step.

Tip #4: Expectations

There is no fairy tale, let's make that perfectly clear. The most perfect of relationships will have problems. Most couples when faced with their first real issue believe that it's all over and the relationship is doomed. It's in these times that you need to realize and have a realistic view of what comes along with being in a relationship. The only persons that can make a relationship work are the two people involved, so therefore you need to be up front with each other, understanding that you'll have your good days and bad days, and learn from them.

Tip #5: Be the Rock

A relationship can fail if one person believes they are pulling too much weight. It's important that as a partner you take turns being each other's rock. You need to be there to support each other, through the ups and downs that are brought about through life experiences. By giving more, you inevitably will get more in return. Being each other's support and foundation, can lead to a strong bond that will keep the relationship afloat.

Tip #6: Be Forgiving

In every relationship each partner will make mistakes. You'll have to be forgiving to ensure the survival of the relationship. Don't hold grudges - just let it go. Without forgiveness your relationship cannot survive. It's human nature to be prone to making poor decisions, but to make your relationship work, you'll need to forgive your partner; otherwise the relationship will fail.

By following these simple guidelines, you'll be able to save your relationship. And remember, that every good relationship is worth fighting for. Never ever give up, as with everything in life, it takes time and effort to see results but when you do, it will be well worth the effort!

Is everyone telling you to forget about your lost love? Well, don't listen to them! You can win back your mate and make them love you even more than before. Learn the proven secrets to make your mate fall in love with you, even if they don't realize how much they still care.

Ezine Articles expert: Kristiana Jones

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